Book Launch June 14, 2018 in Kennebunkport, Maine.
Author, attorney, and authentic Mainiac wannabee, James Bruner, invites you to go back in time with him to the 1970's to enjoy Port Talbot, the way it used to be. The Port Talbot Bike Cop series offers entertainment for high-schoolers to baby boomers.
Welcome back to Port Talbot. You can smell the low tide as you head down the hill into the Port, past the only stop light and gas station for the village. There on the left, the Talbot River basin opens up revealing acres of reeking mud with dotted clumps of mussels and barnacled out-croppings. Sitting on the hard are the three dories you left in your mind's eye last labor day. They're still there.
Your calculation of low tides' impact on the beach and on that first frontal assault of the Atlantic breeze as you round the bend on Ocean Ave is interrupted by the smell of fried clams and steamed lobster coming from the Lobster Shack on your right. You can tell it's the beginning of the season- the odor of the fry-o-later grease is manageable.
You slow to a stop at the green rusty draw bridge and crane your neck out the car window to see beyond the line-up of cars trying to determine what's the hold-up but also you want to see a familiar face from summers gone by. There he is in dark blue shorts with matching shirt waving his arms briskly in the middle of the road, Port Talbot's Bike Cop. A mere college kid, Digger Davenport, is directing the progress of tourism and industry. This summer he also directs the progress of justice by inserting himself into the murder investigation of the lovely college girl from Richmond who waitresses at the famous Brigantine Hotel. Against an ungodly array of forces, Digger fights to deliver the greater weight of evidence.
Call: 844-I-GET-LAW (toll-free) or 207-967-0144 to reserve your copy. Or email: